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SeAH Changwon Integrated Special Steel, formerly POSCO Specialty Steel, joined SeAH Group in 2015.
Located in Changwon, Gyeongnam, the Changwon Plant has been manufacturing stainless steel, tool steel, carbon alloy steel with a production capacity of 1.2 million tons per year. As a leading special steel maker in Korea, we have been producing high-tech industrial materials for various applications, including automotives, machinery, aviation, nuclear energy, shipbuilding, and electronics. Furthermore, we produce forgings such as shipbuilding materials and die steels with forging machines as well as round bar steels and steel pipe products.
Perfect quality assurance system, placing customers as our top priorityWith ISO 9001 acquisition and quality certification from a globally capable office, we established a perfect quality assurance system that spans from ordering to shipping. We also strive to enhance our customer-centered service, placing customers as our top priority.